Agenda Papers |
Agenda Paper 01_Special Session_IASB Technical Update |
Agenda Paper 02A_BCUCC_HKICPA_Final |
Agenda Paper 02B_BCUCC_IASB |
Agenda Paper 03_IFRS implementation Experience_Mongolia_Rev |
Agenda Paper 04_IFRS implementation Experience_Pakistan |
Agenda Paper 05_Research on Going Concern Disclosure_Indonesia_Rev |
Agenda Paper 06A_IFRS for SMEs Standard_Malaysia_Rev |
Agenda Paper 06B_IFRS for SMEs Standard_Malaysia |
Agenda Paper 07_Going Concern_Australia |
Agenda Paper 09_Issues in SFS_India |
Agenda Paper 10A_Part A_Insurance Contracts_Korea |
Agenda Paper 10B_Part A_Appendix A_Summary of the Survey Results in relation to IFRS 17_Korea |
Agenda Paper 10C_Part B_Insurance Contracts_Korea |
Agenda Paper 11_Liquidation_Saudi Arabia |
Agenda Paper 12A_Experience and challenges to implementation of IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 |
Agenda Paper 12B_IFRS 9 - Challenges experience by Mr Tan Pheng Leong |