Chair's Advisory Committee

The AOSSG Chair’s Advisory Committee (CAC) provides assistance to the Chair and the Vice-Chair in performing their functions.

The Chair and the Vice-Chair can consult with the CAC as the need arises, and meetings of the CAC are held periodically.

More specifically, CAC members assist the Chair and the Vice-Chair by:

  • Planning and coordinating the activities of the AOSSG so as to maintain operational continuity of AOSSG activities, including meetings;
  • Exchanging information about the activities of AOSSG Working Groups, including providing input and direction at an early stage of the Working Group deliberations;
  • Consolidating views among the AOSSG on particular topics, and communicating with the IASB and the IFRS Foundation Trustees on areas that are not covered by Working Groups;
  • Exchanging views about the AOSSG’s communication strategy.

The membership of the CAC currently comprises:

  • Australia (Vice-Chair)
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • India 
  • New Zealand
  • Korea
  • Malaysia
  • Pakistan (Chair)
  • Singapore
  • Sri Lanka